0% - Sugar
0% - Gluten
0% - Sodium
0% - Chemicals
0% - Cholesterol
Selenium, Zinc
Magnesium, Iron
Potassium, Calcium
Fiber, Protein, Rutin
Phosphorus, Copper



Looking forward to seeing you!

Buckwheat and its magic

The old man approached my stall at the Mt Maunganui market and said something very odd! I did not believe him. I just politely said "Ok, thanks.


This article is off-topic. Progress is a result of human "laziness". I like a comfortably warm room. Nice soft chair and wireless keyboard.

Stamina Booster

Slow digesting, healthy carbs, source of protein. Those are making buckwheat great for...

Healthy lunch

Why do i eat buckwheat? Instead of rice, pasta or p..

Roasted buckwheat Kasha now in NZ

About 2 - 3 times a week i had roasted buckwheat kasha meal. It was back home in ...


There is another of my assumption, after reading too many sci-fi books and having a vivid imagination . . .


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