0% - Sugar
0% - Gluten
0% - Sodium
0% - Chemicals
0% - Cholesterol
Selenium, Zinc
Magnesium, Iron
Potassium, Calcium
Fiber, Protein, Rutin
Phosphorus, Copper

Free of Chemicals

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Buckwheat is free of chemicals

Since it grows effortless and successfully, it does not require any pesticides, so you’re free to digest chemical worry free.

Buckwheat is free of chemicals

Chemical free

Chemical free. Buckwheat grows so quickly that it does not usually require a lot of pesticides or other chemicals to grow well.

Chemical free

Lack of chemicals and pesticides

• Doesn’t require any chemicals or pesticides to grow
• The lack of chemicals and pesticides makes buckwheat less allergic

Lack of chemicals and pesticides
